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MuTools MUX是一款高品质,超灵活的模块化合成器和效果插件,来自MUTOOLS公司的MULAB音频工作站的效果分离,其效果包含了如EQ、动态、门限、压限、混响等混音所需要的整套效果插件,同时它还集成了音源如:鼓、铜管等一系列乐器.你可以把它当成是一个老式的合成器或HI-TEC采样播放器,也可以是一个多频段压缩器或立体声混响.
The MUX is a high-quality and super flexible modular synth and effect plug-in. The MUX can be a vintage synthesizer or a hi-tec sample player, it can be a multi-band compressor or a stereo reverb, and it can be so much more... You can do almost anything with it! The MUX is integrated into MuLab and is also available as a VST plug-in for Windows.